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Computing Innovation Pros And Cons


Title description, February 7, 2023

A computing innovation is an innovation that includes a computer program that includes computer code as an essential part of its job. Its main job is to solve problems through creative expression. However, there are pros and cons of computing innovations, and they can have impact beyond their intended purposes.

There are multiple benefits of computing innovation. One benefit of computing innovation is that it can be more efficient than people at some jobs. This is beneficial for business because it saves time. Another benefit of computing innovation is that it enhances communication, particularly over long distances.

However, computing innovation also has some drawbacks. For one, computing innovation can lead to extreme dependability on technology. Secondly, computing innovation is significantly more expensive, regardless of how much time it may save. Finally, the extreme dependability might lead to technology taking over the job market, causing people to be unemployed.

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Digital Divide Contributing Factors


Title description, February 9, 2023

The Digital Divide is a gap between certain parts of the world that have access to modern information and technology resources. There are three types of digital divide; the access divide, the use divide, and the quality of use gap. The term access divide refers to the gap in the opportunities people have to access the internet, modern information, etc. The term use divide refers to the gap in digital literacy. The term quality of use divide refers to the gap in the knowledge to make good use of digital skills.

One contributing factor to the digital divide is difference in age. Most people of the new generation are fully connected to the digital world and have acess to technology. On the other hand, 44 percent of people over the age of 65 don't have access or don't use it. Socioeconomic factors also contribute to the digital divide. Wealthier people with better education and social standing typically have more access to the internet and technology, and vice versa. A third contrubting factor to the digital divide is the difference in geographic regions. Urban cities and suburbs have ready access, but rural areas aren't as likely to provide digital service to everyone.

To help reduce the digital divide globally and locally, implementing and supporting digital inclusion programs can ensure that all communities, even the most underpriviliged ones, have access to information, communication technology, and digital literacy. These digital inclusion policies include affordable broadband internet service, where a household subscribes to an internet service in their home. The digital inclusion policies also include access to digital literacy training, so people can learn to make use of their technology skills.

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computerBias computerBias2


Title description, February 12, 2023

The term computer bias refers to computer systems unfairly and systematically discriminate against certain people or groups of people. One example of this is a recruiting algorithm being biased against minorities or women. Another example of this is AI depicting CEO's or people in other higher positions in a workplace as purely male. These examples demonstrate that even computers can favor certain groups of people over others.

Computer bias can be caused cognitive biases, which are unconscious errors that affect judgement and decisions. Cognitive biases can get into the algorithm two ways. One way biases get ML algorithms is because designers unknowingly introduce them to the algorithm because they themselves are biased without realizing it. The other way bias can infect algorithms is if there is a lack of complete data. If data is incomplete, it may not be an accurate representation. For example a data set that only represents a specific group of people is most likely biased because it doesn't account for the whole population.

As we begin to rely on technology more and more, it is important that we get rid of computer bias as much as possible. One way to do this is by identifying potential sources of bias. One way to address and reduce the amount of computer bias is to look at the data and see how different types of bias could be affecting the data used in the machine. Another way to reduce computer bias is to identify accurate representative data. Before collecting and implementing data into a machine learning model, a company should learn what an accurate representative data set should look like. The data used to create the machine should match with an accurately representative data set in order to reduce bias.

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Title description, April 2, 2014

The term crowdsourcing refers to the practice of getting information from a large number of people. This results in a cumulative result, and typically happens over the internet. However, crowdsourcing doesn't always occur over the internet. According to wikipedia, the true definition of crowdsourcing is "the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call." The job can either be done collaboratively, or be done alone and idependently.

There are also two different types of crowdsourcing: explicit crowdsourcing and implicit crowdsourcing. Implicit crowdsourcing involves users doing entirely different tasks and third parties obtaining information for another topic based on what the user does. A good example of this is the ESP game, where users describe Google images, which are then used as computer files/documents/ computer data for the images. Explicit crowdsouring involves large groups working together to "evaluate share, and build different specific tasks." Some good examples of explicit crowdsourcing are evaluating webpages, books, etc.

There are advantages and disadvantages to crowdsourcing, both implicit and explicit. One advantage of crowdsourcing is that it is cost-effective. It would be very expensive for a company to hire its own team of experts, but for crowdsourcing, a company can just offer a one-time reward to those who solve a problem. Another advantage with crowdsourcing is that managers can be hands off. In the workplace, the managers would have to constantly supervise and make sure the workers were doing everything they are supposed to be doing. When relying on crowdsourcing, on the other hand, the people who want the deliverable just have to let the world know what they want and do nothing else. One disadvantage of crowdsourcing is that it opens up the possibility of plagiarism. There are always going to be that small percent of people who try to steal others' work to get the rewards and benefits. Another disadvantage of crowdsourcing is that there are a lot of amateurs who take part in crowdsourcing challenges. The crowd consists of many experts, but also amateurs who wish to share their ideas and get credit for them.

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LegalIssues ethicalIssues


Title description, April 2, 2014

There are several different legal and ethical issues that are assoiciated with technology. Some of these issues include hacking, problems with Artificial intelligence, and immoral use of data and resources. Also, with technology become more and more prominent in our everyday lives, cyberbullying has become much more widespread. Despite the advantages we get from computing/tecnology, unfortunately there also many legal and ethical issues that assoicated with computing and the use of technology.

Some more specific legal and ethical issues that are caused by hacking are misuse of personal information. Hackers are technology users, typically programmers, who use their knowlege of technology to gain unauthorized access to personal information. By doing this, the hackers can steal your money and open credit card and bank accounts in your name. They can also destroy your credit rating. Stolen personal information is fuel for identity theft. Fortunately, it is possible for authorities to track down these hackers by identifying their IP address. However, that doesn't go without saying that it can be very difficult.

Another example of a legal/ethical issue that is caused by computing is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to be mean to someone, typically through social media. In present day society, electronic communication and social media has become very popular. Even though there are several benefits to social media, it also causes a lot of issues. People who want to be mean and harrass people now can do so very easily. These people could send or post negaative messages about another person. People can also impersonate other people, or share embarrassing pictures of other people without their consent, other forms of cyberbullying.

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Safe Computing 1 Safe Computing 2


Title description, April 2, 2014

The term safe computing refers to a combination of computer software and security settings that keep you safe online. This is important because it keeps information protected, and reduces the risks of acquiring viruses or malware on your device. Acquiring viruses and malware will put your information at risk, and will result in poorer performance.

There are several different things that cause computer computer viruses and jeopardize your private information, which is why it is very important for you to practice safe computing. One thing that can cause computer viruses and put your private information at risk is installing unverified software. For example, a user might download a free application that opens them up to trojan horses, spyware, vrisues and much more. Another thing that can put you and your information at risk is responding to possibly non legitamate emails, texts, etc. This can open you up to phishing. A third thing that can jeapordize your information and open you up to attack is visiting websites without SSL certificates. Typically, these website admins don't take necessary precautions to protect your information or theirs.

In order to avoid all of the things previously mentioned, you must practice safe computing to minimize the chances of getting viruses or of your private information getting exposed. A good way to practice safe computing is to only install verified software, as unverified software may install trojan horses, viruses, or spyware on your device. Another good way to reduce the risks of this happening is by only visitng websites with SSL certificates, as websites without SSL certificates most likely don't do a good job of protecting information. Another good way to practice safe computing is to avoid phishing. In order to avoid phishing and getting your information stolen, don't respond to questionable texts, calls, or emails, as they may not be legitamate. If you have a suspicion, ask the person in real life if they really reached out to you.

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Bradley Espinoza

This is my very first blog.

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